Sunday, October 11, 2015

Introduction To Invasive Marine Species

Invasive species are any organism ( plant,animal,fungus,bacteria ) that has negative effects on our economy, our environment, or our health. These marine aquatic plants are introduced plants that have adapted and can now grow partially submerged or submerged in water. Invasive species can also be know as nuisance species that are not indigenous and they endanger the abundance or diversity of  the native species.

There are many different types of invasive marine species such as :

 Green Crab ( Carcinus maenas )

Killer Algae ( Caulerpa taxifolia )

Sea Walnut ( Mnemiopis leidyi )

Veined Rapa Whelk ( Rapana venosa )

Zebra Mussel ( Dreissena polymorpha )

Red Lionfish ( Pterois volitans )

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